This gorgeous man, Henry Cavill, 27, is set to play the man of steel in Zack Snyder's upcoming Superman set to release next year. Anyone who recognizes Cavill will realize he played King Henry VIII's right hand man, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, in Showtime's hit series The Tudors. People probably think he is too skinny and doesn't have that Clark Kent/Superman look because they want Tom Welling (Smallville) who has played the Kryptonian for the past 10 years to play him in the film. Now while I would've loved to see that, especially since he looks just like Superman, it is time to pass the torch to someone new! Cavill, although British, is a talented actor and has Superman's gorgeous blue eyes! I am especially proud that he got the part considering he was passed up for Brandon Routh the last time. So for all you fanboys don't dwell...give the man a chance! And last but not least
Shut the FUCK up!!!!
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