Everyone knows Fox news is a one sided unfair republican news outlet.every election they stick their ugly heads up the rears of Republican candidates and completely shun the opposing contender. Talk about unfair. What is even more appalling now is they're blaming "Bulletstorm," a video game set to release February 22nd, can turn kids to rapists as young as nine due to their sexual innuendos and crap. Now I wanna ask if these idiots really went to journalism school or not because that sounds retarded. First of all it is up to the parent to decide whether or not their kids should be playing the game. Second, people who rape other people have something wrong in their head. They don't watch movies and stuff and say "Hey I wanna go rape somebody." Now seriously Fox News you sound stupid and
Shut the Fuck up!
Halle Berry, you are gorgeous. I have always loved you but recently you have sounded like a douche bag. It has been reported that her baby daddy, Gabriel Aubry, gets outraged when the media refers to Nahla as black. First of all, no media outlet would refer to a kid by their race. Second, that sounds like horse caca. And Halle, to say you go by the one drop rule is retarded. You are fucking mixed yourself and was raised by your white mother who you took to the Academy Awards the night you won. Your daughter is 75% white If she marries a white guy her kids will only be 1/8 white. Nahla doesn't even look black she looks mixed with Asian and Spanish. And if her ex really did say those negative comments shame on him too, They should've thought about the race issue before they procreated. No one should play the race card. Furthermore, do not define your kids race yourself. Teach her all sides of her race. I'm proud of my mixtures I don't identify myself by a color but by my ethnicity as a young Hispanic woman! So for everyone saying what she is and Halle herself, just live life as a person and not a color and
shut the Fuck up!
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