So the Queen Bee released her mixtape on Valentine's day and revealed this as a cover. An awesomely beheaded Nicki Minaj! CLASSIC! Now Nicki fans and herself are upset over it. One, is because Lil' Kim did a mix on Nicki's already shitty track "Did it on 'Em." They are just mad because Lil' Kim can slaughter her. It's really said that people do not know what a mixtape is. I don't think Kim should've charged for it but the fact that people are saying she is stealing Nicki's retarded flow and beats is retarded. That's what you do on a mixtape and she is not copying her she is making fun of her. Second, Didn't Nicki do a mix of Lil' Kim's "Jump off" for a mixtape? Hmm, I thought so. I honestly can keep going and going but the fact is if Nicki didn't open her mouth we wouldn't be having this. i don't think QB wanted a beef, she was simply stating an opinion until Nicki said release music and "Roman's Revenge." It's amazing how people are brainwashed to thinking Nicki has good delivery and flow. Bitch can't spit for shit. She has nursery rhymes that my dog could've written. I am proud of Kim. She is taking shit into her own hands. Not sucking anyone's dick. That''s a real stand up woman! Hip hop is dead folks and the South killed it. So all these Nicki stans really need to take a pill and
Shut the FUCK up
Well said!