Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nicki Fans and Kim Haters DO NOT Know What a Mixtape Is

As of late the Queen Bee Lil' Kim has been put on blast for releasing a mixtape and rappin' over Nicki's beat  on "Did it On E"' and most recently Rihanna's "Man Down." Nicki's retarded Barbs and Kens (such a retarded name for your fans) want Lil' Kim to be sued for using it. Okay dummies...when an artist (underground or well known) make a mixtape they use other artist's beats to create their own version or do it original. Lil' Kim did both for her new mixtape! This is also to generate a buzz and promote their artistry. they are self distributed/promoted albums! I guess it was okay for Nicki to release her mix tape using Kim's "Jump Off" and taking jabs at her the same time? You  Nicki fans are retarded ! You shouldn't even call yourself a rap fan! Ya'll need hip hop 101!  Also you guys need to

Shut the FUCK up!

Here's a throw back for Lil' Kim who's mixtape isn't even all about Nicki Minaj.

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