So most likely everyone has heard about what transpired today on Good Morning America's interview between Chris Brown and Robin Roberts. In case not, Chris Brown kept being asked questions about Rihanna and tried to deflect them by promoting his new album "F.A.M.E" which dropped Tuesday. Unfortunately, Roberts kept bringing up RiRi and it set him off, causing him to smash a mirror or window in the dressing room (don't care which). Honestly, I do not blame him. It happened two years ago. Kid is trying to move on, Supposedly he approved the questions but it is obvious he didn't because he looked highly annoyed. No one is saying what he did was right, because it wasn't but it's time to move on. Charlie Sheen's crazy ass is being praised yet Chris Brown can't catch a break. There's a lot of people who did a whole lot worse. I like Chris Brown because he is talented. Rihanna also needs to stop answering Chris Brown questions like she did in her recent Vogue cover shoot. I like her but DANG, do you need to sell more records? Just throw in the towel and move on already. The media and all his haters really need to
Shut the FUCK up!