Put that booty in the air! I love it!
Anyway...One thing that has really been bothering me is the fact that I can't find an effing job because the market sucks! I need to get away from those miserable customers! I need more money. So those jobs that have rejected me can shove their requirements and experience up their ass! So here goes the first one:
I hate interviewers! =)
I can't believe these people are getting to shoot "Jersey Shore" in Italy. As a girl who isnt even Italian, I am embarassed and offended. They are the epitome of American Trash! There goes another country on our list of who hates us! I don't even know why they are famous. Can the cast of Jersey Shore please
shut the Fuck up!
Now the main topic of the day is Miss Nicki Minaj and The OG Queen Bee Lil' Kim.
Yes I had to post this swagger jacker's crotch shot because that is what Nicki is...a SWAGGER JACKER! BTW I by no means think Nicki has no talent. I just believe her mainstream lyrical flow is bogus! She is way better than that and she resorts to sounding like a deaf person trying to talk! Now the beef is getting old now so I must admit that my fave female femcee (Lil Kim) needs to "Shut the fuck up" about this retard. I do think the competition is needed. People keep saying Nicki is the hottest femcee in the game but who is her competition: NO ONE! Anyone who knows about the rap game would know competition and beef is actually healthy. And truth be told no other femcee can spit like Kim except Lauryn Hill. People like to say Lil Kim has ghost writers...okay and what?. Her delivery is still untouchable. The HARDCORE album is a true classic and no other female can touch it. Lil' Kim is not that much older than Nicki. Kimberly Denise Jones from Brooklyn was born in 75 and Onika Maraj in 1982 (the bitch was not born in 1984--which means stop dressing like a Barbie!) And yes "Black Friday" was a hot diss compared to that lame ass attempt of "Roman's Revenge." Not even Eminem was able to save it. I'm tired of Nicki's repetive flow and stupid noises. That is NOT hip hop. My dog can write the rhymes she writes. So Nicki gets a
shut the FUCK up!
Have a great Day Everyone!