I just heard about 17 year old Trayvon Martin a few days ago. I'm sure I don't have to tell you all what happened. I am appalled that since 2/23/2012 George Zimmerman has not been put in jail. I know some people might say because he is half Hispanic he can not possibly be racist. WRONG. He is a white Hispanic! Like my dad is white and my mom is a half back half white Hispanic! Yet again Geraldo Rivera opens his mouth and blames the hoodie for him being shot. Supposedly he looked like a gangster because Latinos and blacks look like one when they wear hoodies! WTH...I'm Hispanic and I don't look like no gangster when I wear a hoodie. I'm sick of people denying racism! Send this man to jail!
Have you ever been annoyed by something so bad you just wanted to scream? Well this is my page and that's what I'm going to do! Tell stupid people (family, celebrities, my boyfriend, friends, stupid customers) to shut the F up!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Justice For Trayvon Martin
I just heard about 17 year old Trayvon Martin a few days ago. I'm sure I don't have to tell you all what happened. I am appalled that since 2/23/2012 George Zimmerman has not been put in jail. I know some people might say because he is half Hispanic he can not possibly be racist. WRONG. He is a white Hispanic! Like my dad is white and my mom is a half back half white Hispanic! Yet again Geraldo Rivera opens his mouth and blames the hoodie for him being shot. Supposedly he looked like a gangster because Latinos and blacks look like one when they wear hoodies! WTH...I'm Hispanic and I don't look like no gangster when I wear a hoodie. I'm sick of people denying racism! Send this man to jail!
Whitney Houston's Cause of Death Released
The cause of death has been revealed: Whitney Houston drowned with cocaine in the system. To read it word for word this the supposed coroner's report.
It is a shame that cocaine has contributed to her death as well as the heart disease. I do not condemn, however, the fact hat Geraldo Rivera took to his Twitter to remind every one that Houston was a junkie by saying "once a junkie always a junkie." Dude, shut the fuck up seriously! If she was your mama you wouldn't say jack. I am going to remember her for the beautiful woman she was and talented singer. Let her rest in peace!!!!
Friday, March 9, 2012
A Serious Post About Jews
Yes I am posting about Jews. I've always been intrigued and interested in their culture way before I even got with my boyfriend who is a Russian Jew from Belarus. People know Jews as the hat wearers who can't park for shit and cheap as fuck. While that might be true there is so much more to the Jewish culture. I think there is a major confusion in America about whether or not being Jewish is a religion or ethnicity. I've always been so effing confused by it. However, my boyfriend has explained to me that to him and in Europe it is considered a ethnicity. Judaism is the religion practiced by the Jews. The only reason why I can believe this is because one, how can you say someone looks Jewish if they are a religion. You can't say to me that I look Catholic. That's politically incorrect. Second, in his country he was listed as being Jewish as his nationality on his passport. Third, people like to say they are half Jewish. How are you half Jewish if it is a religion. You can not be half a religion. My boyfriend doesn't practice Judaism and never denies that he is Jewish. He was able to come to America at a young age because of his Jewish blood line. Who am I or anyone to deny that he isn't Jewish because he doesn't go to temple? He and his whole family do not practice Judaism but they always say they're Jewish. In fact people know in his country when people are Jewish because of their features!
As for people who say they hate Jews? Why because they have money and basically rule the world. You can't hate people who are more successful than you because it makes you look like a "hater." Jews just know to make their money.Now there a few things I do not like about Jews. Like how they try to cheapen things that can not be cheapened! I hate how they have medicaid when they own mini mansions on Ocean Parkway and drive Benz's but of course these are only certain Jews. My bf has never acted out these stereotypes. Neither have the millions of celebrities who are Jews. Barbra Streisand anybody? Take what you want from this post. But it is what is. People, do your research before you start talking
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Chris Brown Set to Appear on Rihanna's "Birthday Cake" Remix
Yes...it is true. The former boyfriend of the pop singer will be on her remix of "Birthday Cake" off her "Talk that Talk" album. It is set to be released on her birthday, which I believe is on Monday. I think the main reason is to show she has moved past that fateful night three years ago. Honestly I think it is a good thing. If she can move on and it happened to her, why can't everyone else? I in no way condone what he did to her that night. It was nasty and disgusting but he has repeatedly apologized. Yes, he had outbursts but wouldn't you if someone kept bringing up something you were ashamed of. I think the public sets him up for failure. He can't move on unless we all do. I know some people don't think he is remorseful but I think he is and nobody wants to believe him. ll those people saying he did not deserve to be at the Grammy's is pure BS. He deserved that Grammy and to be there. He worked his butt off! And I do not appreciate Miranda Lambert tweeting about it and calling him a woman beater. She was the one boinking Blake Shelton while he was married and did a tribute to some country dude who beat his wife. What makes Chris Brown different? I wouldn't be surprised if it is because he is black being that those country folk sure are racist! Whatever it is move the eff on!
I am anticipating to hear the "Birthday Cake" remix!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Adele Reigns at the Grammy's
I'm so glad that a deserving and true talent made a clean sweep at this year's award show! She won all 6 nominations including the most coveted -- Album of the Year -- for "21" as well as Record of the Year, Best Pop Vocal Performance, Best Pop Vocal album, Best Short Form Video, and Song of the Year. Congrats to Adele! Buying her album was definitely a great idea!
Jennifer Hudson Sings "I Will Always Love You" at Grammy's
The spotlight sure was on J Hud as she dedicated Whitney's signature hit at this year's musical event. She held it together in what was possibly one of the toughest performances of her career. Whitney presented the Oscar winner with her first Grammy a few years ago in a moment I'm sure she will never forget.
Nicki Minaj...What a Disgrace!
This chick is absolutely disgusting. I might be a non-practicing Catholic but not even Lady GaGa would do this...well did do Judas. However, Judas was nowhere near this. How dare she show up dressed to the biggest night in music like this with a man dressed like the Pope?! Don't even get me started on her half assed performance that was supposed to replicate an exorcism. I didn't know what she was even saying even though it most likely was a Lil Kim diss. Somewhere Lil Kim is laughing her ass off! For once, could she not be a character and be herself. SMH!
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